Sunday 10 June 2012

What Makes Teachers Grumpy? Explanation

What makes teachers grumpy?

Every single one of us, at some point in our lives, will have encountered a grumpy teacher.  They are very common in most schools and almost every day one will be in your midst, guaranteed.

Teachers get grumpy for various reasons and mostly they are apparently because of you. For example, teachers might get grumpy if they hear too much chat about bands, cute boys and the mall. However, if you talk instead about Einstein and his theory of relativity they are most likely to let you off. Another common reason is the classroom left in a mess after school. This is understandable as they have to pick it up themselves. Homework books left in for too late will also set them off and in this case you might be tempted to hide underneath the tables. Telling children to do something a hundred times in a row is also a big one. Sometimes, though, they get angry for no apparent reason and this is probably because they forgot their coffee in the morning, stayed up too late the night before or the sweets hidden at the back of their draw have run out.

If any of this occurs at any time during your class time, you are advised to keep well out of their way. Tell others to stop if they are provoking the teacher too much. On the occasion were it gets to the point were he or she is getting a bit too angry you should place your head between your legs and breathe deeply. You should then warn people in your class not to do whatever you think the teacher thought they did ever again.

Teachers get grumpy in different ways and some are worse than others. There is the common type of simply shouting and turning red in the face. Another type is the killing-with-their-eyes and speaking in an icy-calm tone. This is slightly more dangerous. The last one is the sad, crying, you’ve-let-me-down type which is possibly the worst as it makes you feel bad.

The next time your teacher gets grumpy, calmly observe the stages of anger. Firstly, the teacher’s face gets flushed. This is were the phrase ‘ steam poured out of their ears’ originates from. Next, they start speaking in a carefully controlled voice which soon begins to shake. Lastly comes the typical stage which will be either of the ones listed above.

Hopefully, you will now understand the reason behind your teacher’s outbursts and try to avoid doing anything which might inflame the temper. Teacher’s reasons for getting angry are perfectly understandable and you will not get harmed unless you intervene in a rude manner. We must look after our teachers, as without them we would not learn as well as we do.

So, in conclusion, teachers are important and we should not anger them on purpose as this annoys them greatly. Also an important thing to know is: If in doubt, be quiet!

By Margarita

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