Wednesday 8 August 2012

Romeo Character Description

Romeo is everything a boy should be. At least, that is what I think, as his cousin and friend. However, he, on the other hand, pays no attention whatsoever to his bronzed body like that of a Greek god, his hazel locks of hair with snatches of sunlight embedded in it. Or his perfectly chiseled features; his sea green eyes that trap you, ensnare you in their sparkling depths, a kind of mist you fall into. Now, whenever you look into them, you see Juliet’s face reflected like a jewel-encrusted treasure. Mercutio and I know that, even though he is an amazingly loyal friend and takes care to spend as much time with us as possible, his mind is filled completely, to the very brim, with thoughts of his Juliet.

The only child of Lord and Lady Montague, Romeo is an enemy of all Capulets, except, of course, Juliet... I can see his dilemma. He disagrees completely with the ongoing feud between his and Juliet’s family. Similar to myself, the only thing he wants is peace. Romeo hates fighting and will do almost anything to break up a duel. Such is his non-violent nature, it tears him apart to see his friends fight.

Sensitive, kind and caring, Romeo is obsessed with love for Juliet and will do anything for her, or, for that matter, his friends. In his spare time he dreams, talks to himself and writes romantic poetry which shows just how different him and I are. He declared it was love at first sight with Juliet, and a number of times took the risk of confiding a lot in both the Friar and myself, Romeo is willing to give up a lot to be with Juliet; including sacrificing his family. Furthermore Juliet is just as willing, and told Romeo so: “ O, Romeo, Romeo! Where fore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name! Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet!”

A sweet-tempered peacekeeper, Romeo rates love far above hate, fighting or revenge. For him, love is a serious and deep matter and you can see the passionate fire burning fiercely in his eyes when he talks of Juliet. 

By Benvolio

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