Monday 5 March 2012

Letter to the Board

Room 22
Muritai Road
Dear Board of Trustees and Mr.Bird,
As a member of Room 22, I have noticed that the desks are in a very poor state. I am writing to request new desks for Room 22. These are my reasons.
Firstly, the current use of tote trays and tables is inconvenient and extremely inefficient. For example, each time I gather equipment from my tote tray, there is a crowd gathered there, distracting other pupils in the class. Having our own desks would prevent this, therefore extending concentration, as well as speeding up the process of acquiring stationary. It would make it much easier and a lot less time consuming if we had desks.
Secondly, the state of our desks at present is unacceptable. They are damaged, graffitied, scratched and carved into. As we all know, appearance is important, so new desks would smarten our classroom and give a good impression for parents and teachers. New and matching desks would give a feeling of comfort and tidiness.
Lastly, I believe that as Year 7 and 8’s, we deserve new desks. After all, the Years 3 to 6 in the main school have good quality, matching desks, so why shouldn’t we, as leaders of the school? If we do obtain new desks, we will respect and take care of them.
We would be truly grateful if we were given new desks for the remainder of the year.
Please make it happen for us.
Yours Sincerely, 
Margarita Montes de Oca 

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