Monday 5 March 2012

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was born in Salzburg, Austria on the 27th of January, 1756. His mother, Maria Anna Mozart, died of illness shortly after giving birth to Mozart. Out of seven children, only Mozart and his older sister Anna Maria, known as Nannerl, survived through infancy. Both children were exceptionally talented at composition and playing. However, although equally as talented as Mozart, Nannerl was restricted slightly, due to the fact that she was a girl, so Mozart was the one who would later influence the music of the Classical Era so greatly.

Mozart composed his very first piece, later known as ‘Twinkle Twinkle Little Star’ aged four, before he even learned to read. He was home-schooled by his father. Leopold, who was a music teacher and art-time composer,was devoted towards teaching his children music. He made lessons fun, yet also he insisted on perfection and a strong work ethic. He was very encouraging- this, I believe, helped Mozart become what he was. Nannerl once wrote, ‘Wolfgang once picked up a violin, never before using it, and then sight read perfectly a piece written for the violin.‘ He published his first composition at age eight. Nannerl, meanwhile, was talented at harpsichord and pianoforte. Although Leopold hardly ever complimented her, Wolfgang looked up to her as an idol, and wrote letters praising her work. Leopold recognized the extraordinary talents of his children. From 1762 through to 1773, Wolfgang, Nannerl and Leopold went on a tour of Europe, Wolfgang and Nannerl starring as child prodigies. They visited places such as the Imperial Court in Vienna, Buckingham Palace, Prague, and Paris, were they met and played for Marie Antoinette.

As Mozart went into teenage years, he travelled and performed more and more.In London he met Johann Sebastian Bach who became an important influence. He visited him in London in 1764 and 1765. Soon Leopold fell ill and spent months in recovery. At this time Wolfgang,along with Nannerl, wrote his 1st Symphony. In 1767 he composed his first opera and at the age of fourteen conducted it himself. In 1769 he was appointed the assistant conductor for the orchestra at the court in Salzburg by the Archbishop, and he held this position for ten years. He wrote many more operas and aroused the jealousy of Antonio Salieri.

In adulthood he settled down with Constanze Weber. They had two sons, Karl and Franz Mozart. In this time he wrote a lot more sonatas, operas and piano pieces. He became very closely acquainted with JS Bach and also Joseph Haydn and appeared often in concerts, sometimes as a soloist, sometimes performing an opera with Constanze singing.

Mozart fell ill while in Prague- he soon became bedridden. He once said to Constanze: “I feel definitely that I will not last much longer; I have been poisoned, and cannot rid myself of this idea.” He died on the 5th of December 1791. Some say he was poisoned by his rival Salieri. However most people now say he died of natural causes. During Mozart’s short lifetime of thirty-five years he wrote 626 pieces of music. In 1862 one of Mozart’s students made a list of Mozart’s works: 18 operas, 50 symphonies and 30 piano concertos.

Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart was most definitely one of the most influential composers of the Classical Era. His pieces have been played and played again and he is widely known as one of the most talented men in history. Personally I have played quite a few of his sonatas and piano concertos and they are my favourite pieces. Mozart is a hero to me because he was talented, yet documents have been found describing him as modest and fun-loving.

By Margarita

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