Sunday 11 November 2012

Favourite quotes from 'Words of Wisdom'

My favourite quotes from the ‘Words of Wisdom’ are:
  1. 'Yesterday was history, tomorrow is a mystery, but today is a gift, that’s why they call it ‘The Present’.
I like this quote because it is basically saying that we should treasure each day as it comes, and I think this has great meaning.

        2.  'Success is a journey, not a destination'

I think this quote is awesome because it is true, and I try to work towards it. It is saying that no matter how good you get at something, there is always more to work towards; in other words, success is not an ultimate achievement, rather the road you take to achieve it.

        3. ' No-one can ruin your day without your permission'

I really like this quote. It is putting forward that not one person can make you upset without your consent; you have control over your own emotions.

Constable Julie showed us not only these quotes but lots of other ones- I learnt a lot just from reading them!

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