Thursday 8 November 2012

Summary of the DARE Programme

The DARE course has been an educational and fun learning experience for me. I started off knowing a little about drugs and alcohol, and ended the course with a heap of knowledge about everything related to drugs and determined to make the right choices in life.

I was moved and saddened by the stories Constable Julie told; however I think it convinced me even more to be careful and safe in later life. I was informed of all the brutal facts of adult life- but also how to avoid and survive them. I learnt how to say no, and choose the right friends. I also learnt about all the drugs, legal and illegal, and the effects they have on your body.

I loved, though, how Constable Julie mixed the sad and factual with the fun and creative. The games we played- such as the Walkway of Whispers, the Evolution Game and the 'Minefield' game were all fun and we all enjoyed it. Also, the dances- the Banana Dance and the dance at the very end were awesome and fun. Of course, we all loved the day at H2O Extreme!

Overall, the DARE programme was fun and I learnt a lot. I loved it!

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